Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I park my vehicle?
Trinity has a parking lot adjacent to the church building. In addition, there is plenty of parking on the street (North 9th Street) on a typical Sunday morning. Feel free to park in the lot or in any legal parking spot on the street. Finding a parking spot is generally not an issue.
Once I park, where do I go?
After you park your vehicle, we invite you to enter the front doors. There are two sets of doors on the front side of the building facing 9th street. Enter whichever set of doors you wish. You will then proceed up the stairs and into the sanctuary.
Is Trinity accessible to those with disabilities?
Of course. We have an elevator on the south side of the building. that will take you to the sanctuary level. To use the elevator, please use the door on the side of the building next to the parking lot. Our ushers will be more than happy to provide any assistance you wish.
Where do I sit?
There are no assigned seats. Sit wherever you feel comfortable and join us as we worship the Lord.
Where are your restrooms?
There are several restrooms at Trinity. The main restrooms are located on the lower level. Proceed down the steps and follow the signs. The women’s restroom is at the bottom of the steps (on the North side of the building) while the men’s restroom is a few feet away in the Godfrey Room. In addition, there are restrooms in the nursery. If you have any questions or would like to be directed to the restrooms, please feel free to ask an usher.
What should I wear to a worship service at Trinity?
You may see people at Trinity dressed in jeans and a t-shirt while others might be wearing a suit. Come as you are. We are here at Trinity to worship the Lord, not the latest fashions from Paris, New York or the Olean Center Mall.
What is a service at Trinity like?
Trinity offers one worship service with Traditional and Contemporary music.
10:30am – Sunday Traditional Service
Each Sunday we our service begins with the praise team. We then move into announcements. Our Organist, Dane Moore, continues the service with an organ prelude – a time of quiet reflection as we prepare to worship – and the Trinity Choir’s introit. The congregation then sings an opening hymn. You can follow along either with a hymnal (located in the pews) or with the lyrics on the large projection screen in the front of the sanctuary. Pastor Sue has a time with the youth and children. . The Praise Team provides a song after the youth moments. The scripture of the morning is read followed by Special Music with Trinity Choir. The Pastor delivers a timely message that helps us to grow closer to God. This is followed by our Pastoral Prayer, special prayer needs including the Lord’s Prayer. The weekly offering is received and blessed and we sing the Doxology. We then sing the closing hymn followed by the Pastoral benediction and the choral benediction.
Which version of The Lord’s Prayer do you use?
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done,
on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.
What if I don’t know much about the bible, attending church, and so on?
Everyone is welcome at Trinity UMC. Come as you are and be prepared to be transformed! Trinity has members and visitors at all different stages of spiritual growth. There is no test or quiz to attend Trinity.